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Celebrate the birthday of your daughter or son at La Rueda!

At La Rueda it is possible to celebrate birthdays on weekends.


On Saturday or on Sunday, you would have the possibility to use any of our Kindergruppen:











Only the space: 100 Euros.

Space + Buffet: 200 Euros.

Space + Musical animation: 200 Euros.

Space + Buffet + Musical entertainment: 275 Euros.


For a maximum of 14 children!


Check the usual menu of our kindergarten group.


Information and reservations :



+43 650 640 7891 Ivana Reyero


Do you offer Yoga or movement classes and you are looking for an alternative space?


In our facilities it is possible to do so from Monday to Thursday from 5:30 p.m. or on Friday from 3:30 p.m.


Contact us for more information :



+43 650 640 7891 Ivana Reyero

What we are we owe it to affection. The days of our lives happen thanks to affection.
Dalai Lama
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Impressum: Verein Großes Schiff, Wien
Webdesign: Ivana Reyero
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